Saturday, May 2, 2009

Soccer Moms

It's amazing the things some people do. Parents should support their kids in everything they do. I know I'll always be on the sidelines rooting for my kids to do their best. Apparently that's not enough for some, though. Some parents want their kids to BE the best, and when they have a rough go of it, they yell. Not a "hey, it's ok, we'll do better next time" yell, but a "what were you thinking? I can't believe you screwed that up" yell. It just makes me realize how great my mom was at supporting me and my brother in all that we did and do. She has always cheered us on. She may not have been the loudest mom, but we always knew she was there!

Today Shailyn and Keenan both played and did awesome in soccer. It's hard to keep track of the goals, but I think both their teams won! Shailyn scored two goals and they both stayed right on top of the ball. They did AWESOME!!! I didn't have the camera today, (Matt has it in South Dakota) but here's a pic from a previous game this year of Keenan. We only recorded Shailyn's so no pics of her whamming on the ball. She is so agressive!!! She's gonna do GREAT in Sports!

Here is Keenan doing his one kick wonder! He is infamous for slamming the ball then hanging out!

1 comment:

  1. Tell both kids, great job from their favorite cousins and aunt & uncle in Georgia!
